Yellow Brick Road,
2015 - 17
Arts + Regeneration project in St Georges Court Tredegar.
The estate was built in 1971 and is now run down and in need of repair. The artists residency started in September 2015. During 2016, Flat No 70 St Georges Court was offered free of charge by social landlords Tai Calon and became a base for Glenn and Artstations associates Frank O'Connor (eco Design/Systems) and latterly Chris Walters (local Artist).
No.70 became a weekly drop-in for residents and visitors from government and public sector housing and regeneration organisations. Regular Design Team meetings were held to which were given unparalleled access to the planning and design process. Having a home on site gave the artist an ability to foster friendships and grow knowledge of resident problems and needs. The flat was also a space for engaging with and influencing at a high level a wide range of service providers. An immersive approach developed forming a vital link between life on the estate and a design team who needed to know how to implement sustainable improvements defined and prioritised by residents.
An Epic Poem. Voices of the people of St Geroges Court Tredegar.
Design and social activities gently involving and engaging residents were thematically framed by the artist's theme Yellow Brick Road (YBR). Like the characters in the Wizard of Oz residents and Tai Calon staff alike embarked on an imaginary journey of discovery with the artist. The journey became one of learning and connecting during which a series of 8 works of art were created to simulate imagination and focus energy toward the site.
Relationships that had broken down were slowly rebuilt as people began to feel safer, less isolated, more listened to, valued and empowered, tangible experiences for everyone involved. The Social Contract became a key focus of the artist’s YBR project. Various phases of the regeneration process happened in tandem working with residents.
The artist’s work seeked to optimise and improve the process of master planning to better listen to residents and involve them particularly in design decisions that will ultimately affect their lives.
A formal Resident Association has grown out of the YBR residency to which many local services including local police, town councillors and Tai Calon site managers now attend meeting organised by residents.
Reaching out, YBR established a strong bond with John Davis Vicar of St Georges Church who provided a community meeting place in the church, curry, tea and coffee and a congregation of new connections for residents of St Georges Court with whom our friends now stay in contact.
Glenn, lead artist for Arts+Minds, would like to thank Tredegar artist Chris Walters, Frank O’Connor and Chris Coppock for their hugely valuable knowledge, energy and skills input into the YBR vision. Artstation also worked with WYG landscape design consultants who were commissioned to lead the St Georges Design Team for Tai Calon Community Housing.

Frank performing a classic engagement with J whilst L holds book up, she is not to be photographed.

Based on the traditional blue heritage plaque, YBR Bronze place marker celebrating the journey of residents. A work coproduced with Chris Walters.

on the Yellow Field a visitor leaves graffiti 'tag', it receives a YBR trade mark.
Old Tredegar, images by Marc Arckless, Hello II.
Thresholds Exhibition 119 doorsways.
YBR Cinema - Hello II event, Valleys of Steel film.
YBR Cinema - Hello II event, The Wizard of Oz.
Hello II, 2017 tea and coffee and health food by Communities First, veg. and chicken curry by Vicar John (St. Georges Church)

ResonanceFM hosted a one hour debate led by Ailsa Sinclar in which established artists and designers looked at the value of practitioners working outside the gallery space. Glenn talks about working on YBR within the podcast.
Arts+Minds in collaboration with with eco designer / poet Frank O'Connor. Captured during the Hello Event, November 2015, the start of the artists residency for Arts Council Wales.
Funded by Arts Council Wales Ideas, People and Places, IPP fund, Creative Lead and Curator : Chris Coppock