Polyphon, 2007
Paper & Air Installation - Fabrica Gallery Brighton
artstation were commission by director and curator Liz Western of Fabrica Gallery Brighton, an artist run gallery running one of the UK’s most innovative installations and residency programmes. Forth Door Review editor Oliver Lowenstein interviewed the artists, see publication below,
Here is one participants opening thoughts:
“,,,At this stage, I am still unsure what to expect – I have had sketchy details of Artstation’s creative processes explained to me, but as yet I cannot even imagine what the final installation will look like. Glenn Davidson arrived this afternoon, and spent a couple of hours wandering around the space, getting a feel for the atmosphere… Neil, a student of Virtual Environments at Salford University also arrived with large amounts of technical equipment, all of which will be explained to us tomorrow. I’m left feeling intrigued, and quite excited by the project, whatever it turns out to be. ELLY PLATT, VOLUNTEER IN BRIGHTON…”
Read more in the Forth Door slideshow below.
Below : Forthdoor Review article - Artstation at Fabrica.
Curator Liz Whitehead.