Powerbox, 1992
An electricity substation designed for SWELEC.
This design collaboration was undertaken with the late John Gingell fellow artist, creative mentor and true friend. Glenn had been John's degree student 1976-79 at Cardiff College of Art.
"Powerbox" was commissioned through Cardiff Bay Arts Trust it has stood since over looking the railway opposite Cardiff prison, supplying power to Cardiff Bay.
This design work was undertaken by Glenn on an early Atari ST computer using a simple black and white screen CAD modelling program. The image above was later digitally coloured.
BlueFlash + MeshChip became a renowned Cardiff landmark announcing to travellers their arrival by train to the city.
In 2018 there were moves afoot to knock the now old substation down. Johns daughter Zoe Gingell mounted a partition to save Powerbox + Meshchip as valuable Cardiff heritage, lest the place looses it's identity as a capital city, entirely.
August 2019.