Landscape + Housing

ArtHub Zion Chapel Bonymaen Swansea.

ABOUT THIS EVENT 20th January 2024 and ongoing

Artstation worked with Cwmpas, Local Residents and Councillor Paul Lloyd to discuss community use of local green spaces around Bonymaen. A small working group is now established and we will be working with Cwmpas to hold more Saturday morning sessions. A fun postcard was designed by Artstation to stimulate the interest of local people beyond more standard promotional material used by Cwmpas and hand-delivered to over 900 households in the area with the help of resident volunteer Dave Edwards bring in three interested residents - a great start in this new venture. From the meeting, Cwmpas was asked to broker a new discussion with Pobl about an unused green space they own in Bonymaen. A successful enquiry rendered further discussion at Arthub with Pobl to explore community-led development of some kind.

Below Left to right: Planning session with Chris Lewis, Councillor Paul Lloyd and Rosie Barns (Cwmpas)/Rosie presenting/Interested locals dropping over tea and biscuits